What should leaders know about hospitality? What does it mean to be welcoming? Whitney Putnam (GLN VP of Marketing and Global Leadership Podcast Host) and David Ashcraft (GLN President and CEO) kick off this month’s focus with a focus on the importance of hospitality. In the conversation, David reflects on the impact hospitality can have on guests and/or customers, and how showing unreasonable hospitality to others can positively impact a team.
- What is David’s favorite fall drink?
- Why should leaders focus on hospitality?
- What were David’s main takeaway’s from Will Guidara’s talk on unreasonable hospitality (2024 Global Leadership Summit)
- How can hospitality be a “selfish pleasure”?
- How does David live out hospitality in his current role at the GLN?
- How can a leader express hospitality in a remote or hybrid work situation?
Apple Podcasts | Spotify | YouTube
- Behind-the-scenes excellence makes public “wow moments” possible.
- Upholding the value of excellence has a positive impact on an entire organization.
- Every touch point that someone has with an organization (from interactions in the parking lot to emails and social media) is an opportunity to show hospitality.
- Book: Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect (
- Website: Leader365 and Team365
- Website: Global Leadership Summit 2025
- Website: Global Leadership Network
The post Ep 151: How Leadership and Hospitality are Interconnected—GLN President and CEO David Ashcraft appeared first on Global Leadership Network.