Ep 139 – Fernando Carrillo’s Extraordinary Journey to a Life of Purpose, Leadership, and Love



Fernando Carrillo is an Anglican priest, entrepreneur and leadership coach based in London, England, and recently sat down with podcast team member Jason Jaggard at the 2023 Global Leadership Summit. In this episode, Jason and Fernando discuss his upbringing, the extraordinary life change he went through, as well as the role leadership plays in helping individuals step into their calling and purpose.  



  • What was Fernando’s early life like, and what sorts of challenges did he have to overcome? 
  • How did being in prison and involved in drugs affect Fernando’s inner life? What was his self-perception?
  • What role did having purpose and meaning have in Fernando’s life change?
  • What role did faith have in Fernando’s story?
  • How did Fernando find his way into ministry?
  • How does Jesus and leadership intersect?
  • What was the role of recovery in Fernando’s journey?
  • What’s the difference between knowing you are loved as a theological truth, and knowing it as lived experience?
  • What was the process that Fernando used to find a mentor?
  • How did Fernando become a coach?
  • How did Well Water get started? What is its mission?  



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  • With no one around to speak hope and encourage someone, it’s easy to lose for them to lose hope and come to believe that nothing will ever change.  
  • Many incarcerated individuals have so much potential remaining in them. They just need someone to believe in them.  
  • Even after a pretty serious spiritual encounter, it does not mean that everything automatically changes and gets better.  
  • Leadership is about helping people step into their God-given call of who they are meant to be. 
  • Counseling is a helpful tool to working through our deeply rooted issues.  
  • A mentor can help you to learn to navigate your journey and identify your blind spots.  
  • It is critical to have people in your life who absolutely know you—your mistakes, your brokenness—and still love you.  
  • Shame and guilt thrive in darkness and secrecy.  
  • Keep short accounts with those who are close to you; let them know everything that’s going on with you.  
  • The thing that most powerfully changes anybody is understanding their identify in Christ: that they are a son or a daughter, and they are loved.   
  • You find your purpose when you help others.  



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