Ep 127: Real Talk About Leading Through Busy-Ness and Grief



What does leading through grief really look like for leaders? How do leaders balance practically the demands of leadership with obligations to family and friends? In 2021, the world of teaching pastor and leader Megan Marshman was turned upside down when her husband Randy passed away suddenly. In this very real, gut-level conversation with GLS host Paula Faris, Megan shares her hard-won learnings from tragedy, including how she weighs new commitments and invitations, how to foster a supportive community in her time of need, and how she continues to lead even as she continues to heal.  



04:42 EVERY “YES” IS A “NO,” AND EVERY “NO” IS A “YES.” Be aware of how you evaluate what you commit too, because every commitment means you are sacrificing something.  

10:48 HOW WE TALK ABOUT OUR WORK TO OUR KIDS MATTERS. Our children are learning about the role of work from us, and the way we present it to them. You can present work as opportunities for growth and opportunity, or as something to be endured.  

12:16 EMBRACE THE ROLE OF LEARNING FROM OTHERS. When we decide to become someone who ask questions, rather than being the one with the answers, we empower others and preserve our own curiosity. 

14:30 “MAKE THE CALL”—PAYING THE PRICE FOR BETTER FRIENDSHIPS. Most of us would say that we desire better and deeper friendships, but deeper relationships only come from sacrifice.  

19:30 SHALLOW GRIEF = SHALLOW JOY. If you are going through something, don’t be afraid to open up the dark places and name the hurt. If we don’t grieve thoroughly, our joy may be shallow and circumstantial.  

20:30 TWO WAYS THAT COMMUNITY HELPS WITH THE PAIN. For Megan, her community (a) helped her open up the deep places of pain in her, and (b) helped her remember things like hope and love. 

 22:57 LEADING IN THE MIDST OF GRIEF. Realize that pain—and weakness—is relatable, which means that your impact may actually be greater.  

 29:02 PERSONAL PAIN IMPACTS LEADERSHIP. For Megan, she advocates that leaders (a) not lead alone, (b) embrace discipline and structure, and (c) use “triggers” in positive ways (e.g., to remember to slow down or pray).  

 31:54 A WANDERING MIND CAN TELL US WHAT’S REALLY IMPORTANT. During prayer or silence, our wandering minds can actually indicate what’s really on our hearts, and what we should really bring to God.  

 37:28 Host reflection and takeaways.  



Megan Marshman 

Hume Lake Christian Camps 

Megan’s Author Page on Amazon.com 

Paula Faris on the Global Leadership Podcast 

Global Leadership Network 



Go further with this episode by discussing the following questions with your team, or engaging in some personal reflection:  

Megan says that deep friendships require sacrifice, and encourages us to “make the call” to reach out to people around us.  

Is there anyone in your circle of relationships with whom you’d like to develop a deeper friendship? Write their name here.  

Write down a date by which you could call them and get some meaningful time together.  

Moving Forward: What could you do differently as a result of this podcast?  

The post Ep 127: Real Talk About Leading Through Busy-Ness and Grief appeared first on Global Leadership Network.


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