
At The Global Leadership Network Philippines, not only do we help other organizations lead but partner with them to better reach our goal of serving world-class leadership content alongside igniting transformation on different locations in our country.

World Vision

A global humanitarian organization devoted to improving the lives of children around the world. Locally, we are partnering with them to raise more young leaders that can make a huge impact in their communities.


A global premier research organization devoted to helping Christian Leaders. We are partnering with them locally and globally in pursuing leadership research breakthroughs to help pastors and leaders from young to old.


A global Christian organization exploring life and faith in an open and friendly environment. We teamed up with them to provide training and resources to raise better leaders and disciplers ready to share the faith and bring people to Christ.

Append, Inc.

A non-profit organization that finds and creates opportunities for the poor. We continue to partner with them to impart crucial leadership insights for those who want to jump start their business and organizations to success.

1Baguio Movement

An all-encompassing movement in the city of Baguio aimed at connecting different sectors of the city to unite and create a better Baguio. We are one of their key providers for leadership training, resources, and events helping them enrich the lives of the people and in turn create a more forward-thinking Baguio City.

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