Ep 165: GLN President and CEO David Ashcraft on Nuts and Bolts of Teamwork



Today’s episode draws on the wealth of experience of GLN President and CEO, David Ashcraft, as he and GLN VP of Marketing Whitney Putnam cover a variety of topics related to working with teams. This conversation ranges from values, to empowerment, to conflict, and is absolutely full of practical leadership gems.   



0:00 Intro 

02:00 What it’s like to be a Cowboys fan. 

03:40 The advice David would give his younger self on leading teams. 

06:00 How to come up with values.  

08:40 Why leaders hesitate to unleash others. 

11:00 What happens when teams just aren’t working. 

25:00 Outro 



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  • The advantage of teamwork is that you can compensate for each other’s weaknesses and truly be well-rounded.  
  • Power comes from working with teams.
  • Teamwork means elevating others so that they can become experts.
  • Often, you learn and discover values as you work and grow.
  • Fear is usually at the root of failing to empower others.
  • If you want to grow as an organization, you have to downplay the need for control, and lean into trust and empowerment.
  • Leaders that are more concerned about their own platforms will erode the trust of others.
  • If you elevate the organization’s platform first, your own personal platform will follow.
  • Although some tension within a team is good, sometimes a leader needs to acknowledge that personnel on a team may need to change.
  • There needs to be unity on the big picture issues (“Are we a train, or an airplane?”).
  • Don’t bring “enemies” on to your teams.
  • Conflict—even hard, challenging conflict—is fine, but keep short accounts with other team members.
  • If you can resolve conflict publicly, it saves time in needing to go to individual team members.
  • Consider the price someone is willing to pay to criticize you.  



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