September 2024

Episode 150: The Superpower We All Have (But Don’t Always Use)—Storytelling Expert Kindra Hall

What’s your story? More specifically, is the story that you tell yourself releasing you to live your best life, or is it holding you back? In this episode, Global Leadership Summit Executive Producer Lori Hermann sits down with storytelling expert and author Kindra Hall to explore why story has such extraordinary power and to share some steps we all can take to make sure our inner stories are not undermining our deepest dreams.

Ep 149: Insights from a Master Communicator—Erwin McManus

Have you ever wished you could learn from someone at the absolute top of their craft? In this episode of the Global Leadership Podcast, you get to listen in as GLN President and CEO David Ashcraft speaks with author, entrepreneur, and master communicator Erwin McManus about his concept of seven frequencies of communication. If you are curious about how communicating—both speaking and listening—can be used to remove barriers from your life and unlock hidden potential in others, we invite you to join us for this powerful and engaging conversation.

Ep 148: David Ashcraft on Effective Communication for Leaders

Effective communication is a critical, but sometimes overlooked, aspect of leadership. Used correctly, effective and clear communication ensures that our messages get heard, our vision gets communicated, and our people feel seen and heard. Recently, podcast host and GLN VP of Marketing Whitney Putnam sat down with GLN President and CEO David Ashcraft to introduce this month’s theme of effective communication, and to hear about his own best practices around communication from over 30 years of strategic leadership.

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