June 2023

GLS23 Promo Video

The Global Leadership Summit is happening this August 3-4! 🌍🗓️ Join us for an incredible opportunity to grow in your leadership. 🚀 Learn from industry leaders as they share valuable insights and strategies to help you lead right where you are. Don’t miss out! Register today : https://tinyurl.com/e9ffa38k

Tags: #GLS23 #LeadershipSummit #GrowYourLeadership #Inspiration #CraigGroeschel #PatrickLencioni #AlbertTate #ErinMeyer #GLN #Inspire #Conference #Leadershipjourney

Women Leaders Network – GLN

Global Leadership Network is excited to announce the launch of Women Leaders Network (WLN), a new initiative committed to empowering women in leadership in all sectors of society around the world!

Discover the work cohort leaders like Janine Couchman are doing to equip women leaders everywhere. You can encourage women to go forward in their leadership at GlobalLeadership.org/Donate.

Tags: #WomenLeaders #GLN #leadership #womenempowerment #calling #Leadwhereyouare #globalleadershipsummit #GLS #Journey

GLP EP:117 How Letting People Regularly “Opt In” Can Help Employee Engagement

Founder and CEO Liz Bohannon shares how regularly letting employees “opt in” to your vision can help promote engagement and retention.
TAGS: #vision #communication #retention #engagement #quietquitting

By age 24, Liz Bohannon had founded her company, Sseko Designs, in Uganda. Since then, she has continued to grow as a leader and expand her wisdom and influence. Most recently, Sseko has merged with their largest competitor, Noonday Collection. Global Leadership Podcast host Jason Jaggard sat down with Bohannon to discuss lessons from the merger and important leadership tools that have shaped her personal and professional life. Liz will be a part of the 2023 Global Leadership Summit faculty, and we are excited to share her wisdom with you here!


The Global Leadership Summit (August 3-4, 2023) https://globalleadership.org/global-leadership-summit/

Liz’s Website: https://www.lizbohannon.co/
Sseko Designs: https://ssekodesigns.com/
Liz’s 2019 Global Leadership Podcast Interview: https://globalleadership.org/podcast/leading-yourself/episode-059-liz-bohannon-and-craig-groeschel-on-beginners-pluck/?locale=hi

Global Leadership Network https://globalleadership.org/

GLP EP:117 Leveraging the Power of Promises in Your Life

Liz Bohannon, founder and CEO Sseko Designs, describes how she uses the concept of “making promises” to set and monitor her priorities in multiple areas of her life.
TAGS: #productivity #goals #priorities #values

By age 24, Liz Bohannon had founded her company, Sseko Designs, in Uganda. Since then, she has continued to grow as a leader and expand her wisdom and influence. Most recently, Sseko has merged with their largest competitor, Noonday Collection. Global Leadership Podcast host Jason Jaggard sat down with Bohannon to discuss lessons from the merger and important leadership tools that have shaped her personal and professional life. Liz will be a part of the 2023 Global Leadership Summit faculty, and we are excited to share her wisdom with you here!


The Global Leadership Summit (August 3-4, 2023) https://globalleadership.org/global-leadership-summit/

Liz’s Website: https://www.lizbohannon.co/
Sseko Designs: https://ssekodesigns.com/
Liz’s 2019 Global Leadership Podcast Interview: https://globalleadership.org/podcast/leading-yourself/episode-059-liz-bohannon-and-craig-groeschel-on-beginners-pluck/?locale=hi

Global Leadership Network https://globalleadership.org/

GLP EP:117 What Leadership “Authenticity” Means (And What It Does NOT Mean)

Liz Bohannon discusses the important difference between true, mature leadership authenticity and unhelpful, immature authenticity.
TAGS: #authenticity #emotionalintelligence #values #integrity

How can leaders help employees avoid burnout? In an environment of “quiet quitting” and remote work, how can leaders create teams and environments that avoid burnout? In this talk from a GLSNext event in 2021, researcher and executive advisor Liz Wiseman reveals the surprising connection between employee impact and low burnout rates, and also five key characteristics of “high impact” employees. If you are interested in how to leverage impact for employee engagement, or if you are looking to become a high impact player yourself, we invite you to take this opportunity to learn from Liz’s practical wisdom.


The Global Leadership Summit (August 3-4, 2023) https://globalleadership.org/global-leadership-summit/

Liz’s Website: https://www.lizbohannon.co/
Sseko Designs: https://ssekodesigns.com/
Liz’s 2019 Global Leadership Podcast Interview: https://globalleadership.org/podcast/leading-yourself/episode-059-liz-bohannon-and-craig-groeschel-on-beginners-pluck/?locale=hi

Global Leadership Network https://globalleadership.org/

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